Let's Slow Down Camp

Věk 18 - 30 let
Začátek akce
Cena bez poplatku
Kontaktní osoba Veronika


Co na nás čeká

Let's Slow Down Camp is European Solidarity Corps a team volunteering activity designed to completely re-energise your mind, body and spirit. Our retreat offers a peaceful and safe environment where you can disconnect from the chaos of everyday life and reconnect with nature and yourself. Forget the mess for a second and soak in the calm of the present moment!

Co, kde a jak

The event is planned for 20 participants (10 from the Czech Republic and 10 from the rest of the world), who will be selected primarily based on their motivation. Together we will experience 14 unforgettable days full of meaningful work for nature in the region of Wallachia. During Let´s Slow Down Camp we will focus mainly on the area of psychohygiene and our well-being but surely we will also play and make lifetime memories . The event will be in English (but no worries, we'll all be in this together to help with the translation and support each other).

Dobrovolnická pomoc

We will be working in the forests and meadows in the nearby protected area, approximately 10 days, 5-6 hours per day.


What can be better than taking care of something so precious as “baby trees”? Work will cover various maintenance and conservation work in the nearby forest nursery and meadows. We might also take care of the Kosénka eco-centre building and premises as well so the eco-centre can continue with their good work in the future.

Malá ochutnávka

Organizační tým

Těší se na tebe Alča, Jarda, Karo, Kubo, Rob, Ryan a Veronika.


Kontaktní osoba: Veronika
E-mail: international@brontosaurus.cz